

Theses on the character of the communist party and on the self-understanding of the communist organization

In the following we publish the theses on the character of the communist party and on the self-understanding of the communist organization, which were adopted by the KO at its fourth congress in April 2022. They represent an intermediate state of the intensive work on the question of the Kommunistische Organisation, party building and the tasks arising from it, and are still a valid resolution. In the course of the secession of a wing, the KO has gained important experiences in the struggle against revisionism concerning the structures of the organization, which are not yet reflected in the previously adopted theses. We affirm that there is currently no revolutionary communist party in Germany and that the struggle against revisionist ideas on the party question, the question of imperialism and the question of strategy is central to being able to build one. This is the aim of the Kommunistische Organisation, which we will pursue in a planned way.

Не наша війна!

Війна в Україні - це імперіалістична війна між Україною, яку підтримує НАТО, і Російською Федерацією. Ця війна - не наша війна, міжнародний робітничий клас не повинен ставати ні на чий бік. Наше головне завдання як комуністів Німеччини - боротися проти воєнної політики НАТО і німецького імперіалізму та викривати їхню воєнну пропаганду.

Thesen zum Charakter der Kommunistischen Partei und zum Selbstverständnis der Kommunistischen Organisation

Wir veröffentlichen im Folgenden die Thesen zum Charakter der Kommunistischen Partei und zum Selbstverständnis der Kommunistischen Organisation, welche die KO im April 2022 bei ihrem vierten Kongress beschlossen hat. Sie stellen einen Zwischenstand der intensiven Beschäftigung mit der Frage der Kommunistischen Partei, des Parteiaufbaus und den sich daraus stellenden Aufgaben dar und sind weiterhin gültiger Beschluss.

Pas notre guerre !

La guerre en Ukraine est une guerre impérialiste entre deux camps : d’un côté l’Ukraine, derrière laquelle se trouve l’OTAN,et de l’autre la Fédération de Russie. Cette guerre n'est pas la nôtre et la classe ouvrière internationale ne doit prendre parti pour aucun des deux camps. En tant que communistes en Allemagne,notre tâche principale est de lutter contre la politique de guerre de l'OTAN et de l'impérialisme allemand mais ausside démasquer leur propagande de guerre.

Statement from Alavanca-Marxist-Leninist Movement, salute to the last congress of KO

We want to congatulate the comrades of the german Communist Organization (KO) for your victory over the revisionist faction in your last congress. Our movement had experienced very significant cooperation with your organization but this was damaged during a year that the revisionist faction got control of the central management of KO, we want to continue to cooperate with KO on a marxist-leninist basis like we did before.

Non la nostra guerra!

La guerra in Ucraina è una guerra imperialista tra l'Ucraina, sostenuta dalla NATO, e la Federazione Russa. Questa guerra non è la nostra guerra e la classe operaia internazionale non deve schierarsi. Il nostro compito principale come comunisti in Germania è quello di lottare contro la politica di guerra della NATO e dell'imperialismo tedesco e di smascherare la loro propaganda di guerra.

¡No es nuestra Guerra!

La guerra en Ucrania es una guerra imperialista entre Ucrania, detrás de la cual está la OTAN, y la Federación Rusa. Esta guerra no es nuestra guerra y la clase obrera internacional no debe tomar partido. Nuestra principal tarea como comunistas en Alemania es luchar contra la política de guerra de la OTAN y del imperialismo alemán y desenmascarar su propaganda de guerra.

Esta guerra não é nossa!

A guerra na Ucrânia é uma guerra imperialista entre a Ucrânia, apoiada pela Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte (OTAN), e a Federação Russa. Esta guerra não é nossa e a classe trabalhadora internacional não deve tomar partido em favor de nenhuma das partes em conflito. Nossa principal tarefa como comunistas na Alemanha é lutar contra a política de guerra da OTAN e do imperialismo alemão e expor sua propaganda de guerra.

Αυτός ο πόλεμος δεν είναι δικός μας

Ο πόλεμος στην Ουκρανία είναι ένας ιμπεριαλιστικός πόλεμος μεταξύ της Ουκρανίας, που υποστηρίζεται από το ΝΑΤΟ, και της Ρωσικής Ομοσπονδίας. Αυτός ο πόλεμος δεν είναι δικός μας πόλεμος και η διεθνής εργατική τάξη δεν πρέπει να πάρει θέση για καμία από τις δύο πλευρές. Το κύριο καθήκον μας ως κομμουνιστές στη Γερμανία είναι να αγωνιστούμε ενάντια στην πολεμική πολιτική του ΝΑΤΟ και του γερμανικού ιμπεριαλισμού και να αποκαλύψουμε την πολεμική τους προπαγάνδα

Not our war!

The war in Ukraine is an imperialist war between Ukraine - backed by NATO - and the Russian Federation. This war is not our war, and the international working class cannot and must not take sides. Our main task as communists in Germany is to fight against the war policy of NATO and German imperialism and to expose their war propaganda.